This page is meant for people trying to get into Dark Souls Remastered speedrunning.
Before you consider speedrunning, you want to be quite familiar with the game, its mechanics and the level/map layouts. Trying to start after only one playthrough can be frustrating and only makes things unnecessarily harder. Especially in Souls games, in which most people are used to taking their time to approach enemies or other obstacles, it can be difficult to play with time pressure on you even after a few playthroughs. Here are some suggestions for challenge runs or playthroughs that might help you getting used to speedruns more quickly: No Armor, No Shield, SL1, No Healing (or combinations of those).
In the following sections, you will find important concepts and information that you may find useful for starting out with Dark Souls speedrunning.
Refer to these pages for information about specific skips and glitches in Dark Souls speedrunning along with tutorials:
Resources to Speedrun Dark Souls Remastered
- A Keyboard or Controller. Most Dark Souls speedrunners prefer controller, commonly Xbox or PlayStation controllers. Controllers in Dark Souls make the game more friendly to play, but it is all up to preference in the end. Keep in mind that at high-level play, a mix of both your controller and keyboard may be favourable.
- Timer / Split Program. The most common and advanced one is LiveSplit.
- The In-Game_Time_Livesplit_PlugIn. Enabling this plugin in LiveSplit will allow you to get a direct IGT feed to your timer.
- The SoulsSpeedruns - Save Organizer. The SoulsSpeedruns Save Organizer lets you easily make savefiles and practice bosses or segments with the click of a button.
- TKGP's DSR Gadget ©. Very handy tool which makes practicing and testing easier and more efficient.
- Gadgetlemage. Automatically inserts Black Knight weapons into your inventory if you aren't lucky enough to get them. Optimal for practice, although runs that use weapons generated this way won't be valid for leaderboards.
Common Terms in Dark Souls Speedrunning
When learning Dark Souls, you might find out a lot about the game yourself, but when starting off with speedrunning, there might be some terms you will not be aware of at first. The common terms used Dark Souls are mentioned here below upon expanding the tab.
Common terms in Dark Souls speedrunning |
Movement in Dark Souls Speedrunning
Movement is a key element in Souls games that is often underrated. The more efficient your movement is, the more time you will save, obviously.
Movement and Enemy Behaviour |
Enemies and bosses in Dark Souls often have a variety of attacks. Some of their attacks involve rather precised ranged hitboxes which allow you to strafe the attack. Some attacks can therefore be strafed without the necessity of rolling for iFrames to dodge the attack.By learning what attacks are strafable, fights will get easier and you as a player will preserve more stamina in the process. Strafing and dodging go hand-in-hand with locking on and off to enemies and bosses in Dark Souls. Most of the boss fights are generally easier locked off. This is mostly because Dark Souls lacks the feature of omnidirectional rolling while locked onto a target. Though, some boss fights are a lot easier locked on. In some cases, boss fights get easier when they are partially done locked off, and then locking on at the right moments. |
Stamina Management |
Stamina managament is by far not a hard thing to learn, but throughout the whole run it can lose you a lot of time if not done properly. The basic concept is that you neither want to fully run out of stamina nor let your stamina regenerate to full at all times while running. Running completely out of stamina forces you to wait exactly 3 seconds before you can start sprinting again. Being at maximum stamina on the other hand wastes time, when it could regenerate or be used for actions like attacking or running. As long as you stay between 0 and max stamina, you will not lose time while running. For using objects like doors or levers, or using items from your hotbar, it is best to be as low on stamina as possible while doing so. This is to maximize the use of the time where you would not be sprinting anyway and to, therefore, minimize the time loss. This is probably the most important part of stamina management and can lose you the most time if done incorrectly. |
Menuing |
| Menuing partly goes hand-in-hand with stamina management. Menuing during Dark Souls runs is important because of a couple of reasons:- You want your item slots to be as empty as possible, so be sure to unequip items you do not use anymore and equip the items you need beforehand.
- Make sure to drop any armor/weapons that you do not need. Having over 5 items can sometimes mess with the inventory.
- Quitouts are a part of menuing too. Learn to quickly and efficiently get to the Quit Game screen so you can prevent losing time on quitting out. This is especially important in scenarios such as doing the Fall_Control_Quitout, where if you do not quit out in time, you will die.Generally, it is best to shift your menuing to places where the game forces you to wait in any way, like while climbing a ladder, on an elevator ride or even during a foggate animation. |
Choosing a Category & Route
You can refer to the main categories here and make your choice. Route of your choosing is obviously up to personal preference, but generally, for beginners, it is advised to try and avoid the farming routes (a route where you need a random BKH drop). Note that starting with the fastest route might not necessarily be the wisest decision, as these routes often require a high execution level and tend to be very punishing. Look around the category pages and pick carefully. However, in the end, it is all about overall improvement, which you can achieve via any route.
Tips & Tricks
- The best way to ensure you have the correct keybindings and settings is to create a blank save file with the appropriate key bindings and settings set and load them when you are planning to do a run. Please refer to the SoulsSpeedruns - Save Organizer for this.
- You may find some pre-made savefiles for the SoulsSpeedruns Save Organizer on the site, however, it is much more beneficial to create your own. Not everyone practices the same way and it will help you go through your route and memorize it quicker.
- In most cases, performing a Save & Quit close to a boss fight foggate will result in the boss' AI malfunctioning and the bosses not acting like they usually would on a regular run. For this reason, avoid creating savefiles right in front of the boss fight foggates.
- Using controller grips such as Claw Grip makes menuing and camera control for Dark Souls (or any other Souls game, in fact) substantially easier. Consider learning the traditional one or one that fits your playstyle:
- Also check the Frequently_Asked_Questions for general information regarding the speedrun.