Anri's Straight Sword Any%

This is an overview of the current Any% route.

Character Creation

  • Pick Assassin Class
  • Pick Black Firebomb for burial gift

Cemetary of Ash

  • Unequip head and chest armor
  • Grab Ashen Estus Flask

Iudex Gundyr

  • 12 R1's 3 R1's (or 11+4) 1x Firebomb 1x 2-Handed charged R2 2x Firebombs to kill Gundyr
  • Buy 2x Homeward Bones

High Wall Of Lothric

  • Pickup Gold Pine Resin
  • Spook Quitouts down the Fountain.
  • Pickup 1x Ember next to the Fountain
  • Kill Emma with Black Firebomb and x2 2-Handed Charged R2's
  • Pickup Banner and Basin and Quit after Dancer Triggers
  • Run to Vordt

Vordt of the Boreal Valley

  • Use Gold Pine Resin, 9 R1s for phase 2, 8 if at least one counter hit
  • Quitout on door when receiving the boss soul.

Run to Anri

  • Pick up 2x Charcoal Pine Bundle
  • Spook down to sewers and climb the ladder to Irina.
  • Talk to Irina and continue to Anri
  • Spook down Elevator and immediately roll off
  • Pickup 1x Ember before Outrider Knight

Road of Sacrifices

  • Grab Divine Braille Tome for Irina
  • Trigger Anri using 2x 2-Handed Charged R2's and 1x Black Firebomb. Then perform Anri Cheese method.
  • Bone after picking up Anri's Straight Sword
  • Sell Soul of Vordt of the Boreal Valley, and 2x Ember
  • Run to Irina and buy Tears of Denial and Saint's Ring
  • Bone back to Firelink Shrine
  • Equip Saint's Ring and Attune ToD
  • Warp to Halfway Fortress

Catacombs of Carthus

  • Perform Wolnir Skip
  • Fall down, quitout, spellswap and do Teardrop 1
  • Light the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire, pick up 2x Carthus Rouge
  • Run to Irithyll, light the bonfire, use Ashen Estus and quitout

Irithyll Dungeon

  • Use Estus for HP, have quitout ready and run past the invasion then quitout
  • Pick up 2x Pale Pine Resin spook quitout twice

Yhorm the Giant

  • Use Stormruler.
  • Re-equip Anri's Sword after defeating Yhorm
  • Use Darksign before getting his souls
  • Buy 3 Homeward Bones and sell Yhorm soul
  • Level to 29 Luck, warp to Irithyll

Irithyll of the Boreal Valley

  • Jump on the tree and quitout, spellswap and do Teardrop 2
  • Use Gold Pine Resin, 52 R1's to kill Aldrich. run into the arena and use Aldrich soul
  • roll through the dragonfire (or peach
  • run to Archives and light the bonfire (running through DSA arena is faster than going around)

Grand Archives

  • Kill two crystal lizards with 1x charged R2 and 3x R1's (Using Charcoal Pine Bundles)
  • Pick up 3x Twinkling Titanite in chest
  • Pick up Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight
  • Get elevator shortcut
  • Bone after getting the shortcut
  • Sell the 20K soul, upgrade Anri's sword to +3
  • Level 39 Luck, warp to Archives

Grand Archives

  • Go up the elevator and proceed to Twin Princes.

Twin Princes, Lothric and Lorian

  • Use 1x Carthus Rouge
  • 9 R1's to stagger Lorian
  • Use Darksign to return Firelink Shrine

Farron Keep Perimeter

  • Warp to Farron Keep Perimiter bonfire

Abyss Watchers Kill Watchers with 1 Pale Pine Resin (8 hits to kill per phase)

  • Bone to Firelink Shrine

Kiln of the First Flame

Soul of Cinder

  • Kill Soul of Cinder using Cinder_Glitch
  • Use 1x Carthus Rouge
  • Bleeds every 5 hits
  • Link the first flame and call it a day. ALT+F4 when reaching the credits and restart your game to check your In-game time.